At the end of the loan term, the percentage in TRLs defined by the contract will be automatically distributed , giving the option to redeem rewards for both.
Captain: The captain will pay a fee to claim his NFT along with a percentage in TRLs.
Recruitment: The recruit will pay a fee to claim his percentage in TRLs and may apply for another loan.
A punishment will be given if the recruit or captain fails to comply with the established contract.
Captain: The captain can only claim his NFT's and TRLs before the contract expires if the recruit does not reach the agreed goal. If the captain claims his NFT ahead of time, all rewards obtained by the NFT will remain with the recruit and the captain will suffer a punishment. All his NFT's can't be borrowed for 10 days.
Recruit: If the recruit does not meet the established goals, he will suffer a 10-day penalty without being able to recruit other NFT's.
Last updated