The recycler is an curious explorer who collects cores that improve the Earthlings' attributes. Along the way he may find coins that will be his rewards for a excellent work.
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The recycler is an curious explorer who collects cores that improve the Earthlings' attributes. Along the way he may find coins that will be his rewards for a excellent work.
Last updated
Collect red, blue or green core fragments.
Each time your recycler collects 40 fragments and sends them to the bunker you will receive a core to improve your Terrestrial's attributes or sell in the marketplace.
Every day that you use your Recycler to help the Terrestrials, you will receive BFL's.
You can buy a NFT or sell it to other players.
4 Fragments per day
1 BFL* per day
*BFL rewards will be active until the launch of the marketplace, after its launch another essential reward for the collectior will be added.